Some of the characters out of the 16 books.

Bright Books Literacy Series – Educator’s Guide – Grade 2

Authors: Eileen Richards & Val Zaborowski, with Marjorie van Heerden
Book user: Educator
Category: English Grade 2

SUMMARY: The Bright Books Literacy Series Educator’s Guide Grade 2 is a simple, practical guide for Grade 2 educators that facilitates holistic learning and skills. In the Guide activities are suggested, based on the 23 stories in the four Grade 2 reader/activity books. The activities are developed within the six phase organisers so that an integrated approach to learning is assured. This book also guides the educator in the use of the Bright Books Literacy Series wall charts: ABC, Numbers, Animals in the environments and People and places. The Educator’s Guide provides a wealth of material and a clear structure for using the Bright Books Literacy Series.

The Educator’s Guide, Grade 2: Suggests how the learners can create their own workbooks or portfolios and suggests many activities; Gives examples of how to make creative phonics charts for the classroom with inexpensive and readily available materials; Provides easy-to-use assessment tools and assessment grids for the educator; Provides simple guidelines on the assessment of phonics, group and self-assessment, and a host of learning strategies; Gives suggestions on how to encourage successful reading at home with parents; Emphasises achieving literacy in all eight areas of learning; Indicates assessment of the activities, clearly linking each activity with the appropriate learning area, specific outcome, and assessment criteria with the performance indicators in full.

Bright Books Literacy Series - Grade 2 - Educator’s Guide
Educator’s Guide – soft cover (175 x 245mm portrait), 206 pgs
ISBN 0625027493

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The Bright Books Literacy Series consists of:

Eleven graded reader/activity books (Grade/Level 1)
Bright Books Teacher’s Guide - Grade 1
My Bright Books Workbook

Four graded reader/activity books (Grade/Level 2)
Bright Books Educator's Guide - Grade 2

Bright Books reader/activity book (Grade/Level 3)
Bright Books Educators Guide - Guide 3

Four Bright Books wall charts:
ISBN 000ES2041A: ABC
ISBN 000ES2042A: Numbers
ISBN 000ES2043A: Animals in their environments
ISBN 000ES2044A: People and places